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Working Together


Co-producing better

From analysing work processes to implementing new service strategies, BASE-Lab Health is ready to tackle challenge with you and put you on the path to success. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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Co-producing better

At BASE-Lab Health, we understand that change is hard. Our years of experience working in quality improvement have taught us to focus on impact as our priority. We start and finish every journey with patients.


We design and implement innovation at local, regional and national level with robust impact on metrics of patient safety. 


BASE-Lab Health’s specialists collaborate with international partners and world leading health care systems to support them overcome their challenges. 

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Co-producing better

BASE-LAB Health is connecting the insights of an innovation lab with the energy of a base camp: In a base camp teams gather at at the foot of a mountain to  appraise intelligence and practice their skills prior to the ascent. Innovation labs give permission to brake conventions in a safe space.

BASE-LAB Health supports teams looking for ways to improve their service We act as a critical friend and enable clinicians and companies to define their approach and develop successful strategies to overcome challenges.


BASE-Lab Health stimulates our partners to realise the contribution that patients can bring to their service. We offer access to world class expertise on patient safety.


BASE-Lab Health offers consultancy or on and off-site training in service design and quality improvement.


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M-SParc Menai Science Park, Gaerwen LL60 6AG


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